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journey thru landscapes…

she paints to bring joy to herself and to make others feel good


It is the silent moments found in Moss’ landscapes make her one of the most popular artists of modern times. So often when the artist Patricia Buckley Moss is mentioned, her elongated people or stylized geese immediately come to mind. But today I want to tell you about Pat’s landscapes, quiet, peaceful, silent places; scenes that have so much to say, but one must listen to hear every word.


It has been my experience that Pat’s landscapes appeal not only to collectors of her work, but especially to first-time viewers. In today’s hectic, crazy, busy world, a person has to take but one step to enter into the quiet, tranquil, peaceful realm that Moss has created - a place where nature becomes the restorer.


let’s take a closer look…


Evening Sky, one of my favorite prints, is a large piece meant to dominate a wall on its own. To look at the image, it is as if one is peering out a window at dusk, watching the day drift into night as it comes to a close.


First, you cannot help but notice the trees in the foreground - solid black, strong trees. The type of tree is of no significance. What is important is the symbolic reference of these trees, standing tall with branches outstretched very much like a mother reaching out her arms to protect her child from harms way. And so these trees reach out their protective “arms” to provide a safe-haven for the viewer to visit.


I also note that while the trees in the foreground are quite tall and draw the eye up vertically, the sweeping horizontal lines of soft, subtle color settle the piece down, lending to that sense of quietness and solitude.


Secondly, the solid black trees are without leaves; and, if leaves are visible on the background trees, they are almost transparent so as not to obstruct the view, but rather to draw the viewer in even more.


It is interesting to study Moss’ use of negative space within the image, i.e. the plain white paper that has no paint. It appears that she has deliberately painted white, sweeping spaces into the landscape - yet the paper is bare, devoid of paint; and how fascinating that the broad, sweeping, horizontal lines of color create the hint of an undulating terrain in the scene before us.


The neutral color palette also lends a hand in creating this place of silence. The shades of gray in both the foreground and sky, along with the fading hue of sunset, tell the viewer the time of day - just after the sun has faded from view, but before the darkness has settled in.


While the soft shades of gray create the shadows of nightfall, the warm glow of the sun having settled below the horizon promises a safe-haven for the night, a place to be renewed; for tomorrow the sun will once again rise and will provide a new beginning for hope and opportunity. Listen to the sounds of silence in Moss’ landscapes. Let nature be your restorer.


as a sidelight…


I have a collector of Moss’ work, actually he is quite a collector with more than 350 pieces in his collection. These pieces have been in his medical office and home for quite some time. In his private office at the medical facility, the only pieces that hang on the wall are Pat’s landscapes - the countryside, devoid of people and buildings. He has often told me that as his day becomes really hectic, he steps into his office for a few minutes, sits at his desk, and studies her landscapes. He listens to the silence; the peacefulness and quietness depicted in the scenes restore his energy and give him the ability to carry on and finish his day. How satisfying it must be for Pat to know that her artwork has such an impact on an individual.


additional landscapes to study…





In the future I will talk about trees that breach a circular image, as well as address the circle itself, such as what you see in the center picture, Summer Solitude. And… I can hardly wait to talk about reflections, seen in the stream of the third piece, Within My Soul.


Each technique is so well done by the artist and adds a new dimension to the meaning of what she is trying to say.



These images are available at The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd.

 Copyright 2015 ~ 2024

The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd.

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