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“Whatever your answer is, don’t choose anything that will jeopardize your soul. Prioritize who you are, who you want to be.”

~ Matthew McConaughey


Click art images below for information on each piece.

Congratulations and Commencement

They have worked hard and are ready to embark on new adventures in life. A time for celebration and congratulations to commence!

"The Graduates" are excited

as can be;

For the ceremony that

sets them free . . .


The Graduates Framed.jpg
Our Grad Girl Framed.jpg

"Our Graduate Girl" is

all grown-up;

But to us she'll always be

our little buttercup . . .


"Our Graduate Boy" 

stands proud and tall;

He's ready to conquer the world,

and answer his call . . .


Our Grad Boy Framed.jpg
Graduation Day Framed.jpg

"Graduation Day" one of

life's accomplishments;

A successful student is

provident . . .

Gate of Learning Boy Framed.jpg
Gate of Learning Girl Framed.jpg

"The Gate of Learning" 

through which we pass;

A milestone for each

lad and lass . . .

Graduate Boy 2000 Framed.jpg
Graduate Girl 2000 Framed.jpg

A "Graduation Boy" 

and "Graduation Girl"

are oh so special,

on our everyday world . . .

Congrats Girl Framed.jpg


to my girl;

her diploma in hand,

and tassel dangling 

over her curls . . .


to my boy, too;

he's overcome the

obstacles and stayed

focused and true . . .

Congrats Boy Framed.jpg
Commencement Day Boy Framed.jpg
Commencement Day Girl Framed.jpg

Hooray! Hooray! It's

"Commencement Day"  ~

Now let's party 

without delay!



Click art images below for information on each piece.

A Graduate Is . . .

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. 
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. 
You're on your own. And you know what you know. 
You are the guy who'll decide where to go." 

~ Dr. Seuss

2017 Graduate Girl 1 Framed.jpg

"Graduate Girl I" is 

sweet and sure;

poised and oh so

very demure . . .

"Graduate Girl II" is 

smart and bright;

And carries with her

a heart of light . . .

2017 Graduate Girl 2 framed.jpg
2017 Graduate Girl 3 Framed .jpg

"Graduate Girl III" is 

oh so pristine;

Her smile is bright,

her gateway green . . .

"Graduate Girl IV" is 

wise and shy;

Her gaze with

a knowing eye. . .

2017 Graduate Girl 4 Framed 2017.jpg
2017 Graduate Boy 1 Framed.jpg

"Graduate Boy I" is 

sure to succeed;

For he is full of cheer

and good deed . . .

2017 Graduate Boy 2 Framed.jpg

"Graduate Boy II" 

will go far;

His vision and path

reach the farthest star . . .

2017 Graduate Boy 3 Framed.jpg

"Graduate Boy III" 

has dreams and ambition;

His heart and soul filled

with great intuition . . .

"Graduate Boy IV" 

his knowledge is vast;

His future has a

bright forecast . . .

2017 Graduate Boy 4 Framed.jpg

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The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd.

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