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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

patient: “doctor, doctor, i’m seeing double.”...

doctor: “take two aspirins, and call me… oh, nevermind.”

Stitched for two separate occasions - years apart - the framing had to match (tho the coloring in the photo may not show it). Using a “tea stained” fabric, Colleen stitched two announcements.

Fortunately, the mats and frame were still available, and I was able to match what had been done a few years before. The opening size on the mats varies a bit as do the cutouts due to the size of the stitched names; but all else remains the same. Each little princess has her own keepsake.

have you raised your sail?

This is an all-time favorite. Every year, Colleen stitches a gift for her doctor. This one is fab-u-lous!


The fabric itself is so great - a simple offwhite color enhanced with white dots. The mat cut helps show as many of the dots as possible. While it may be difficult to tell from my photo, (I certainly do not have my son’s talent for taking photos), the inner mat is a spruce green color, which picks up the color of the lettering; the middle mat is textured with varied golden-yellow colors, which picks up the sail; the outer mat, a soft white, keeps it neutral and enhances the dots.

The frame is perfect due to its rustic feel with the distress marks; and it is further enhanced with a color-wash that also picks up the coloring in the threads.


How fortunate this doctor is to have a patient, who cares enough to take the time to create such a caring and thoughtful gift.

I would love to feature photos of things that I have framed for you. Just email the image to me along with a little story, and I will publish it in the “archives” section of the website. It really is a lot of fun to share your projects with others; and others love to see what’s been done.

My email address remains:

 Copyright 2015 ~ 2024

The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd.

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