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dan's memories ~

It’s all about you . . .

and that’s as it should be ~

When decorating your home or office with art, use what speaks to you. Is there an image that speaks to you because of what it represents? Or maybe you took a trip, and your photos remind you of the wonderful time you had and just how much you enjoyed what Mother Nature had to share.


Dan visited the California coast a few years ago and really enjoyed the small towns and villages along the way. He snapped some photos and decided it was time to put them on the wall to remind him every day what a great trip he took. From photo to finish, Dan’s artwork has made his home come alive with fond memories of his days in California.

Using a black-core mat, the matted photo appears to have a double mat, when in fact only one has been used. The steel grey picks up on the cloudy-blue sky and water, which is almost hidden from view.


Dan wanted to use painted frames for that somewhat Americana look and feel.


The painted frames that he chose are bordered with a natural wood-tone edge, further enhancing the outdoor feel.

The photos framed with painted green frames will hang in the same room, next to one another.

Thanks to Dan for letting me frame such beautiful memories!

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The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd.

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