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An Ancient Wonder

The stone from which this was made . . .

dates back to 3,000 B.C.~

I was fortunate to recently frame this rubbing that was acquired in Turkey some 30 years ago. This is a Hitite wax rubbing on fabric made from a stone that is dated 3,000 BC.

This rubbing was done in the Anatolia Region of Turkey and, from what I understand, they are no longer available.

Ancient Snippet.JPG

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This close-up photo of the corner of the frame and detail of the rubbing shows how the design of the frame with the beading and detail along the outer edge pick-up perfectly the detail within the rubbing.


The gold with a walnut wash highlights the shades of browns and golds within the colors of the wax.

Click image to view zoomable PDF.

good pic of hitite.jpg

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I took this photo not so you could see the floor of my workshop or the counter behind the framed piece, I took the photo because it gives a good perspective of the size of the completed piece.


It does not, unfortunately, describe the weight of the completed framing. HEAVY.

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The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd.

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