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Keep Warm Inside

New Releases 2021-1

"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness."

~ John Steinbeck

"My home is a place of warmth and love." 

~ Gail Porter

"An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." 

~ Henry David Thoreau


Click art images below for information on each piece.

Hold On To Whatever Keeps You Warm Inside

Love Brings You Home Framed.png

No matter how far

you travel or roam;

You know in your

heart that always

 "Love Brings You Home" . . .


From a "Basket of Frolics" 

my little buddy spies;

He plays all day, 

and stays by my side . . .

Basket Frolicks Framed.png
Pure Cuteness Framed.jpg


 "Pure Cuteness" 

and charm with a

kitty-cat smile;

This little gem will

brighten your day for

quite a long while . . .

"Pawprints on Our Heart" 

are left every time,

I recall kittens and

puppies that tumble

and climb . . . 

Pawprints on Our Heart.jpg
First Morning Frost Framed.png

The "First Morning Frost" 

upon winter's air;

Oh how I love it whenever

I visit here . . .


"Early Morning Friends" 

share my winter dreams;

They dot the landscape

of snowy themes . . .


Early Morning Friends Framed 1.png
Crisp Morning Air Framed.png

"Crisp Morning Air" 

frozen ice like glass;

Willowy trees feathered

all 'round winter's impasse  . . .

Lady in Waiting Framed.png

A "Lady in Waiting" 

nestled on a branch of snow;

She anxiously contemplates the

budding spring glow . . .


Nature's Glory Framed.png

"Nature's Glory" 

is majestic and prim;

A hush of snow

'neath trees that

touch heaven's

outer rim . . .

"Garden Jewel" 

hides within the

petals of pink;

She seeks the sweet

blossom of nectar drink . . .

Garden Jewel Framed.png

"Les Jardins De Monet" 

jeweled flowers of delight;

Amaze all who gaze upon 

this beautiful sight . . .

Where the Wild Rose Grows Trivet.jpg
Where The Wild Rose Grows Framed.png

"Where the Wild Rose Grows" 

the finches land;

They share the blossoms

of nature, oh so grand!


"If I succeed in putting

some warmth and love

into the work, then

it will find friends." 

~ Vincent Van Gogh

Click any image below to view a PDF full tearsheet

of January 2021-1

TS 2021-1 Art Loft1.png
TS 2021-1 Art Loft2.png
TS 2021-1 Art Loft3.png
TS 2021-1 Art Loft4.png
"Keep love in your heart.
A life without it is like a
sunless garden when
the flowers are dead.
The consciousness of loving
and being loved
brings a warmth and
a richness to life
that nothing else can bring."  

~ Oscar Wilde

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The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd.

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